Thursday, June 12, 2008

Finally out!

June 12, 2008

What a day of rejoicing this was. We are overwhelmed with God's goodness for the great news we just received. We are officially out of the PGN and Kella Hope is our baby. Through this wait, we have grown and have been stretched again and for this we are grateful. My dear friend, Lou Lynn was the deliverer of the great news. She is the one who lead us to our attorney and to her we are forever thankful. That was the best phone call!!

We are thinking our wait will be around 6 weeks minimum. It is finally happening that we get to think of bringing her home.

We feel so blessed by so many of our family and friends that have so fervently prayed for us. We pray a special blessing on all of them.

We went to Steve's favorite Mexican place, Chevy's, to celebrate our great news!