Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Tonight outside the Westin where we are staying, there were these little kids that were just standing around with their baskets of goodies to sell. They approached anyone that looked like they were tourists or Westerners. They approached us with those sweet little eyes, asking us to buy their "dulces' (candy). It was heart breaking to see these kids living a life like this. We gave them each a little bit of money to get a picture with them. They were overly joyous! 

We just pray that in all He does, God blesses these sweethearts in some way. 


Anonymous said...

Good morning! Grace and I just enjoyed looking at the new pictures. We are both ready to get on a plane to come see you guys and bring home our own angel baby! Do you know when you are coming home yet? Keep us posted. How are Chloe and Kenzie doing? Grace is going thru Chloe-withdrawal! love ya and have a great day. ~annetta and grace

The Millers said...

She is so beautiful I can hardly stand it! Have been praying for and can't wait to see her "at home" in your arms. I was just watching All God's Children DVD and crying away and continued the cry with your blog.

The family looks so happy and natural with Kella-what a blessing you and that sweet baby have walked into. God and His WONDERFUL ways! So glad the bonding is going so well and that all 8 of you will be together soon. Much love to you!


Molly said...

So precious. Your stories break my heart and make me want to go back to Guatemala SOO badly. I would hop on an airplane right now if I could and I'd bring back as many kids as possible!! :) I'm so glad the transition is going smoothly. She fits in so perfectly with your family. God is so good!! I'm so happy for you guys!

Anonymous said...

WOW!!!! I am amazed at how quickly this has all gone. To think that last week you were just "waiting patiently"(?)and less than a week later you have Kella!! God still works miracles!!

Kella is a little doll. I love all the fashions and bows. How blessed you all are!!!

The pics of Norma are priceless. I love how God orchestrated all the details!! He is amazing!

Excited to see you all tonight--I'm sure you won't be able to miss the crowd. Ha Love to you all!!